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2006-12-17: Version 0.9.3 released. Much improved Universal Binary.

2006-03-21: Forum moved to a new location.

2006-03-03: Version 0.9.2 released.

2006-03-02: Version 0.9.1 released.

This is a bugfix release:

2006-02-19: Version 0.9 released.

This release should be considered BETA. Please take a backup of your shakespeer.db file before running this new version for the first time. This version is Tiger ONLY.

Changes in this version:

2006-02-19: Forum moved to a new location.

2006-02-09: Reverted back to old website.

2006-01-21: Upgraded website to TiddlyWiki 2.0.2

2005-10-09: Version 0.8.2 is mainly a bugfix release, but also includes some additional features. Changes in this version:

2005-08-18: New website design based on TiddlyWiki

2005-08-13: Version 0.8.1 is a bugfix release. Download from here. Changes in this version:

2005-08-11: Version 0.8 of ShakesPeer is now released. Download from here. Changes in this version:

2005-07-27: New design of the website.

2005-07-23: Version 0.7.3 is now released and is mainly a bug fix release. Download from here. Changes in this version:

2005-07-17: Version 0.7.2 is another bug fix release, this time fixing a whole lot of memory leaks and a nasty upload crash. All users are highly recommended to upgrade. Download from here.

2005-07-16: Version 0.7.1 is mainly a bug fix release, fixing a bug when resuming downloads. All prior resumed download has been corrupt. All users are highly recommended to upgrade. Download from here. More changes:

2005-07-15: Version 0.7 is released, download from here. This release fixes some major bugs. It also removes the transfer drawer, adds hub user commands, has a finished transfer view, handles non-ASCII better, highlights sidebar items, and more.

2005-06-29: A new release! Get it here. This includes mostly interface improvements. Hub bookmarks, /fav commands, the toolbar is back, complete download folder, ability to manually specify external IP address, clickable URLs in chat window, smilies and of course a bunch of bugfixes.

2005-06-23: This release adds initial support for filelist browsing. Click here to download. The cvs-date version numbers are now dropped, using regular version numbers instead.

2005-06-09: This release fixes lots of bugs. It also adds TTH leaf support, which means that all shared files must be re-hashed. Hashing speed has been greatly improved, as is the startup time. The CPU usage problem with uploads should also be fixed. Click here to download.

2005-06-03: New forums created.

2005-05-22: A new release, get it here. This version adds support for passive mode, has a new search interface and fixes a bunch of bugs. Also, a new button in the preferences allows to test active mode settings. Support for XML hublists has been added. The toolbar has been removed. And more... try it out.

2005-05-15: This is the real cvs-20050515 version.

2005-05-15: A new (pre-)release of ShakesPeer Aqua GUI is available. Go get it here. There are still some major features missing (browsing of filelists, passive mode, hub bookmarks, etc), and there are most certainly some scary bugs in it.

In this release, hashing of files is done in a separate process with a lower priority (niced). This way the computer is still usable during hashing. The major visible additions is support for private chats, some icons in the user list and search results windows, hub statistics and more.

2005-05-08: Go here to download an early alpha version of the ShakesPeer Aqua GUI. Please be aware that this version is the first public alpha release and will contain bugs, and some might be really nasty. Also note that this release lacks some functionality, eg: browsing of filelists, passive mode, private chats, hub bookmarks and more. This release has only been tested on Panther (10.3.9).

2005-03-10: The Aqua GUI is coming along nicely. I hope I can release an alpha version within 2-3 weeks.

2005-02-07: I've now checked in sources in CVS for a GUI (Aqua / ObjC). Both code and .nib's from the earlier attempt as well as from the macdcpp project could be reused. For an early screenshot press here. No pre-built binary is available at this moment as it is too early even for an alpha release. Developers can check the cvs. Stay tuned!

2005-02-03: a new implementation of the core DC++ protocol engine in plain C. This version does not use any threads, which makes life a lot easier. Instead glibs event loops are used. Communication with the user interface is done through unix sockets, with simple text-based commands (everything in utf8). There is a command line interface available to test drive the engine. I'm currently working on a proof-of-concept Aqua gui.